Sunday, December 29, 2019

10 teléfonos para resolver dudas migratorias en EE.UU.

En Estados Unidos es una necesidad saber dà ³nde buscar informacià ³n migratoria, verificar el estatus de un caso o encontrar asesorà ­a legal reputada y a un costo asequible. Para ello en  este artà ­culo se indican los telà ©fonos y las pà ¡ginas web especà ­ficas en las que encontrar la respuesta a las dudas migratorias que puedan plantearse. Telà ©fonos clave para informacià ³n migratoria USCIS: 1-800-375-5283EOIR: para detenidos o asuntos en Corte: 1-800-898-7180Denunciar fraudes migratorios: 1-866-347-2423Buscar abogados: base de datos de AILAReferencias de abogados: Hispanic Federation: 1-866-432-9832 Dà ³nde rastrear informacià ³n con el USCIS El Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a de los Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) brinda varias posibilidades para obtener informacià ³n sobre asuntos que està ¡ tramitando o sobre cuestiones que son de su competencia. Entre ellos destacan: Telà ©fono gratuito para solicitar informacià ³n sobre un caso:  1-800-375-5283Servicio INFOPASS online para cerrar una cita para solicitar informacià ³n Ademà ¡s, antes de acudir a una cita a una oficina de USCIS es posible utilizar su localizador de ubicaciones de oficinas o de sus Centros de Apoyo a Aplicaciones, donde se toman huellas digitales y otros datos biomà ©tricos a los solicitantes de beneficios migratorios. Ademà ¡s, si ya se ha presentado la documentacià ³n para una peticià ³n o solicitud, es posible verificar online el estatus de un caso, aunque para ello es requisito indispensable conocer el nà ºmero de recibo del mismo. Asimismo, tambià ©n es posible informarse online de cuà ¡nto se està ¡n demorando en la tramitacià ³n casos similares. Por ejemplo, si se ha presentado una peticià ³n de familiar, es posible rastrear cuà ¡nto tarda de media esa gestià ³n en todas las oficinas de USCIS. Informacià ³n sobre requisitos para presentar una solicitud ante USCIS En la pà ¡gina oficial de USCIS se puede encontrar informacià ³n sobre trà ¡mites como por ejemplo solicitar residencia permanente, naturalizacià ³n, permiso de trabajo, ajuste de estatus, perdones, tambià ©n conocidos como waivers o permisos, etc. Asimismo, esa pà ¡gina es el lugar en el que se puede acceder a todos los formularios oficiales para presentar solicitudes al USCIS y descargarlos gratuitamente.  Es conveniente utilizar la versià ³n mà ¡s reciente del documento que se necesite ya que USCIS los modifica y actualiza perià ³dicamente y no admite las versiones viejas. Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) En el NVC se tramitan gestiones relacionadas con las peticiones de la tarjeta de residencia permanente cuando à ©stas siguen lo que se conoce como un procedimiento consular. En otras palabras, cuando la fase final se realiza fuera de Estados Unidos y es necesario acudir a una embajada o consulado para ser entrevistado y recibir la visa de inmigrante. Como regla general, el NVC es quien contacta. Pero si surge la necesidad de comunicarse con ellos, tambià ©n es posible. Si bien antes de hacerlo es recomendable verificar el boletà ­n de visas para fechas de procesamiento de green card con cupos mà ¡ximos anuales, como son las peticiones de ciudadanos para hijos casados o mayores de 21 aà ±os de edad o para hermanos o las peticiones de residentes para cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros. Si se ha pedido una visa de inmigrante en casos en los que hay dichos cupos mà ¡ximos anuales es imprescindible esperar a que la fecha de prioridad del caso sea mà ¡s antigua que la fecha de corte publicada en el boletà ­n de visas. Si no ha llegado la fecha de prioridad para la tramitacià ³n de la visa de inmigrante no se avanza absolutamente nada contactando con el NVC. Informacià ³n relacionada con aduanas Para los extranjeros autorizados a permanecer sà ³lo temporalmente en los Estados Unidos es importante para verificar el I-94, registro de entrada y salida, ya que ese documento muestra fecha mà ¡xima de estancia con visa de turista. Tambià ©n sirve esa pà ¡gina para obtener el rà ©cord de ingresos y salidas del paà ­s. En la actualidad, el I-94 està ¡ digitalizado y en la pà ¡gina de oficial de ICE para este registro es posible no solo verificar los datos sino tambià ©n imprimir el rà ©cord. Por otro lado, las personas que siempre tienen problemas cuando llegan a un punto migratorio de los Estados Unidos y son enviados a una segunda inspeccià ³n siempre o frecuentemente puede ser conveniente dirigirse al programa que se conoce en inglà ©s como Traveler Redress Inquire Program, para intentar encontrar una solucià ³n. Ciudadanà ­a de los Estados Unidos Para los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos es importante conocer las opciones de cà ³mo y dà ³nde pueden solicitar el pasaporte. Para este trà ¡mite u otros puede necesitarse copia del certificado de nacimiento, cambio de nombre, matrimonio, pedir una nueva copia de la tarjeta del Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, etc. Para ello hay que dirigirse a la oficina de rà ©cords vitales del lugar donde se ha producido el hecho. Arrestos y detenciones Si se sospecha que un familiar o un amigo puede estar detenido, existe una base de datos para saber si està ¡ detenido por la Migra. Si no aparece en una centro de detencià ³n migratorio, hay varias formas de enterarse si se encuentra en una  en prisià ³n federal no migratoria o en una estatal. Informacià ³n sobre un caso en Corte migratoria Se puede marcar al EOIR, es decir, la Oficina de revisià ³n migratoria. Los telà ©fonos son  240-314-1500  o  1-800-898-7180, este à ºltimo es gratuito. Si se desea se puede elegir la opcià ³n de espaà ±ol. Por otro lado, para los migrantes es importante enterarse anà ³nimamente si existe una orden de deportacià ³n  y es posible hacerlo. Este punto conviene destacarlo ya que es totalmente posible que un juez haya declarado la deportacià ³n en ausencia y que el migrante no recibiera la notificacià ³n. En estos casos si por cualquier razà ³n se es detenido, la deportacià ³n procederà ¡ automà ¡ticamente, sin pasar por corte. Dà ³nde reportar fraudes migratorios o felonà ­as Al igual que sucede en muchos otros paà ­ses, en Estados Unidos se puede marcar al 911 para reportar cualquier tipo de delitos o solicitar ayuda. Es el telà ©fono de situaciones de emergencia en todo el territorio nacional. En el caso de violencia domà ©stica se puede, ademà ¡s, acudir directamente a la là ­nea gratuita que lucha contra esta lacra social. Para ello marcar al  1-800-799-7233. Otra opcià ³n es contactar con la Red Nacional contra el Asalto Sexual, Violacià ³n, Abuso e Incesto, que se conoce como RAINN por sus siglas en inglà ©s. En este caso marcar al  1-800-656-4673. Por otra parte, los migrantes son, lamentablemente, và ­ctimas de fraudes ya que siempre hay personas inescrupulosas que aseguran tener contactos o poder lograr resultados positivos en gestiones migratorias cuando no es verdad. Para estos casos es posible denunciar marcando al 1-877-382-4357. Ademà ¡s, las actividades delictivas o fraudes relacionados con inmigracià ³n o con aduanas pueden reportarse anà ³nimamente al ICE marcando al 1-866-347-2423, incluidos los casos de matrimonios de conveniencia, es decir, los que se celebran para que uno de los cà ³nyuges obtengan los papeles. Dà ³nde solicitar ayuda o asesorà ­a migratoria No cabe duda de que Estados Unidos es un paà ­s que brinda buenas oportunidades. Pero no es menos cierto que se puede sufrir mucha soledad. Para los casos extremos donde se llega a tener pensamientos suicidas, por favor marcar gratuitamente al  1-888-628-9454, donde se habla en espaà ±ol. Otro de los grandes problemas que afectan a los migrantes es la necesidad de obtener buena informacià ³n sobre leyes migratorias y a un costo no elevado. La base de datos de AILA lista por localidad los abogados de su asociacià ³n especializados en migracià ³n. Ademà ¡s, la Hispanic Federation puede ayudar con algunos trà ¡mites como por ejemplo peticiones de familia, DACA, permisos de trabajo, etc y tambià ©n puede brindar referencias a organizaciones con buena reputacià ³n. Marcar al 1-  866-432-9832. Finalmente, en el caso de mexicanos, siempre se puede marcar al telà ©fono de CIAM que es el y que brinda excelentes servicios gratuitamente. En el caso de los hondureà ±os en EE.UU. existen varios telà ©fonos a los que pueden marcar. Por su relevancia se seà ±alan tres en la zona fronteriza: McAllen, Texas: 214-347-4441Houston, Texas: 713-987-7406Los Angeles, California: 323-283-8623 Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Death Penalty Is The Punishment Of A Capital Crime

The death penalty is the punishment of implementation administered to someone guilty of a capital crime. Death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment that also takes care of the implementation of the penalty once found guilty by the relevant authorities. The penalty laws, however, date as far as the 18th century during the reign of King Hammurabi of Babylon. This fact according to history codified the penalty for 25 different crimes (Murphy and Russell). It was also part of the 14 century BC. It was also the only punishment for all offenses in the 7th century BCs draconian code of Athens. This penalty was also carried out in the form of crucifixion, drowning, and burning alive in the 5th century’s BC Roman law of the 12 tablets.†¦show more content†¦The laws regarding the death penalty however varied from colony to colony. Why I believe death penalty should be abolished For the worst crimes, life without liberation is better, for many reasons. I’m against the capital punishment not because I sympathize with those found culpable but because it does not comfort the bereaved neither does it result to instant justice but because it doesn’t reduce the crime rate, risks the execution of innocent persons and prolongs the anguish of families of murder victims Various studies have been carried out globally however majority of them have sort to show that death penalty is not an effective means of punishment for capital offenses rather it is ineffective for the reasons given below. First, research has shown that this kind of penalty only perpetuates a cycle of violence. Most of our country’s justice systems have been manipulated leading to the prosecution of the innocent people and those guilty being set free. Moreover, the penalty is immoral and hypocritical in the sense that some of the crimes punishable by death are not realistic. For instance, premeditated murder in most cases has not been justified enough to render one for the death penalty (Hood, Roger, and Surya 67). Our correction facilities prison’s, for instance, tend to favor those who are wealthy compared to the less fortunate in the society. This fact gives you a clear view on how our judicial systems can be manipulated to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Volcanic Environment of Western Victoria Free Essays

string(26) " by the state government\." Stretching all the way from Melbourne to Portland, the plain is mostly flat and used widely for agriculture. Dairy farms, livestock, and vineyards are all examples of agriculture types found in the region. Major population centers in the region include Cameroon, Hamilton, Portland and Cola. We will write a custom essay sample on Volcanic Environment of Western Victoria or any similar topic only for you Order Now The explorer Major Mitchell described this place as â€Å"a region more extensive than Great Britain, equally rich in point of soil, and which now lies ready for the plow in many regions, as if specially prepared by the creator for the industrious hands of Englishmen. † Western Victoria volcanic plain is one of the three largest volcanic plains in the world in scale, covering the region between Melbourne and Portland, which is over 15000 km. The signs of volcanic characteristics become apparent while driving west of Gelling, where some farms are littered with basalt. Scattered bluebonnets can be found around the area. Driving further west, walls built with volcanic rocks become more and more common. More than 400 vents of scoria volcanoes, marry volcanoes, imposed volcanoes, shield volcanoes and fissure volcanoes are unevenly distributed in the area, with a few youngest ones in the state such as Met. Napier. Other volcanic features such as stony rises, lava tubes/caves, tumults, lava canals and natural bridges can all be found in this area. The volcanoes are very significant to residents in the local region, as it bring fertile soil for agriculture and opportunities for other industries such as stone cutting or tourism. We can say that the local residents are dependent on the volcanoes. It is also an important volcano plain in Australia, as it is the largest volcanic plain in the entry. Lots of studies are being done in this region every year and some paleontologists come from overseas as well. Therefore even on an international basis the importance of this region cannot be ignored. It is recognized by the United Nation as a Global Cooperage and is the only one in Australia. Map Source: Textbook Scoria Volcanoes Scoria volcanoes are also called cinder volcanoes, and they are widely distributed in the western plains of Victoria and also the most common type of volcano in the world. Examples of this volcano in the region are Met. Elephant, Met. Narrator, Mr. Rouses and partly Red Rock. These volcanoes have steep sides, and are often formed by one period of volcanic activity. In the scoria cones, we can already tell from the name that we can find lots of scoria rocks. (Figure 1. ) They are small and red pieces of lava containing lots of vesicles in it. Met Narrator is one of the scoria cones we have visited in the trip. It is located near the small town of Narrator. Being the deepest scoria enclosed crater in the state, its crater is very large in scale, with more than 400 meters wide and 190 meters deep. (Figure 1 . ) Currently this volcano is extinct, and the are a around is used for mostly dairy and cattle farming, and a little bit of tourism as well. Before the European settlers came to this region, this mountain is used as a trading place for the Karee Wrong people. Although it is located on private land, the volcano is still considered a part of the Swanking Global Cooperage and is still accessible through the Alan Marshall walking trail developed by the government, taking tourists to the top of the crater. Electric fences are set by the land owner to prevent tourists from entering private egging of the mountain. (Figure 1. 2)The highest point on the crater is about 310 meters above sea level, and the land around the mountain is extremely flat compared to the mountain itself. (Figure 1. 3) Figure 1. 2 Alan Marshall Trail. Photo by David Www Met rouse is another scoria volcano located about 1 km southeast of Pinehurst. It stands about 100 meters tall, and the dominant rock present is scoria and basalt. (Figure 1. 4) It is a extinct volcano as its last eruption occurred about 30000 years ago. A quarry is present at the foot of the mountain and its main product is scoria. The scoria rocks was used to build roads and some buildings. It was closed in the late ass, simply because they ran out of what they’re digging for. It has also been reverberated in the ass and the sign of it being a quarry is disappearing. Figure 1. 4. Some low-grade basalt and scoria in the quarry. Photo by David Www Shield Volcanoes Shield or Lava volcanoes account for about half on the Western Plains of Victoria. Its characteristics include gently sloping sides and a broad summit. (Figure 2. 0) Its formed by lava of low viscosity erupting repeatedly, forming layers of solid lava that lopes gently around the crater. Met. Napier and Met. Cottrell are all examples of this type of volcano. Lots basalt can be found in shield volcanoes. Figure 2. 0 Met Napier. Photo by David Www Met. Napier (Figure 2. ) is one of the shield volcanoes that we have visited. It is the youngest volcano in the state, which erupted about 7000 years ago, and therefore considered dormant. It stands 440 meters above sea level and its located in the region about 25 kilometers south of Hamilton. Unlike Met. Narrator, Met Napier is located in public land, thus easily accessible. A scoria cone is present in Met. Napier, therefore scoria rock can be fo und as well. This is also one of the best-preserved volcanic landscapes in Victoria, as lava flows and caves can be seen clearly. (Figure 2. ) A scenic lookout is now developed at Harmony’s Valley, and tourists can now observe the magnificent lava flow. Figure 2. 1, Baud Caves. Photo by David Www Dale Jerkin, a writer, included Met Napier in his book Aboriginal Dreaming Paths and Trading Routes, which reflects the significance of the mountain in the aboriginal community. It is now managed by the state government. You read "Volcanic Environment of Western Victoria" in category "Papers" Minor roads and tracks are built to take visitors to the summit. The land surrounding the volcano still stays quite rural, and is used for farming. Fissure Volcanoes Fissure volcanoes are formed when there are long cracks in the surface of the crust. They usually have no central crater at all. Large quantity of lava will erupt through a linear array of volcanic vent distributed along the crack in the crust. Basalt seems to be the most common type of rock present in this type of volcano. Met. Cycles is an example of fissure volcano in the western plains of Victoria. Met. Cycles is located 42 kilometers south of Hamilton, 56 kilometers north west of Port Fairy and about 330 kilometers west of Melbourne. It elevates 178 meters above the sea level. Although its name is not a scoria volcano, the mount itself is a rounded scoria cone. Scoria rocks can be found in the volcano as well. Its previous eruption happened about 8000 years ago; therefore it’s also considered a dormant volcano instead of an extinct one. The whole mountain is situated inside a national park, and is very well managed with facilities such as toilets, information boards, picnic tables and etc. (Figure 3. 0) Figure 3. 0. Information Center Photo by David Www Walking tracks are built to guide tourists through the park. There are 7 vents in total along the fissure, with a few under Lake Surprise, a popular swimming pool in the summer. (Figure 3. ) Currently this park is used mostly for tourism as a result of it having such magnificent and well-preserved volcanic features, such as vents, lakes, lava canals, natural bridges and etc. (Explained in later section of the report) Victorian aboriginals used to use this environment as their food source as they plant food on the land and trawl fish from the lake. A part of the park used to be a quarr y or 50 years, providing scoria rocks for roads. Currently, natural growth of trees has been covering the evidence of a quarry and reconstructing the land into its previous appearance. Figure 3. 2. Lake Surprise. Photo by David Www Mars and Nested Mars Marry volcanoes are the second most common volcano type after scoria volcanoes. They are created when ground water meets hot magma and produces steam. The pressure will increase in the ground when this process goes on and will last in an explosion. The explosion is usually vigorous and leaves a large hole in the ground. The bottom of the crater is usually lower than the original ground surface; therefore it may turn into a body of water. (Figure 4. ) During an eruption, large quantity of gas, water, ash, rocks and enigmatic material will be blown out of the crater. When the depart falls down back to the surface of Earth, it will solidify and become a volcanic rock called tuff. Examples of this kind of volcano in the Western Victoria Volcanic Plain include Tower Hill, Lake Knots, Lake Bullet Merrier and etc. They are mostly distributed in the southern region of Victoria, as they are spatially associated with the eater table present. Tower Hill is one of the many marry volcanoes in western Victoria and 13 km northwest of Workaholic. It presents itself like a shallow bucket embedded in the ground from an aerial view, as its crater is 4 km wide and 80 meters tall. Both scoria and tuff can be found in the crater. (Figure 4. 1) It is described as â€Å"a stroll among the gigantic ferns of the valley†¦ A ramble among the cones and craters†¦ The winding path at the foot of the basaltic rises close to the lake†¦ Almost tropical reeds rustle in the breeze†¦ Leafy shrubs and trees form delightful bowers and alcoves†¦ Tender motion in suitable company’ by George Fenwick in 1858. Figure 4. 1 . Layers of tuff on the edge of the crater. Photo by David Www Indigenous Victorians and early settlers used the land as a source for firewood. It is then declared a national park during the year of 1892 to preserve its unique landforms. It is also the first national park in Australia. The park covers 612 hectares in scale. In the past century, Tower Hill experienced sever whether conditions such as the drought in 1930, and also experienced major changes such as the vegetation in 1961. It is now very well managed and only used for tourism. Roads are built to take tourists down the crater. Picnic tables with electric BBC, viewing platforms and toilets are all examples of facilities offered in Tower Hill. Information centers are set up and guided tours are available to explain some of the characteristics of the volcano. Parking lots are available for cars. (Figure 4. 2) Figure 4. 2. Toilets, walking tracks and parking lots in Tower Hill. Photo by David Www Animal control is also a major issue in Tower hill. Koalas are brought to Tower Hill by humans, but apparently they have started to over generate and become a threat to he plants present. Figure 4. 3) They then had to be controlled by injecting a device in their body to stop them from breeding. Foxes, cats and rabbits are currently also considered invasive now as they manifested threat to other animals and plants in Tower hill Figure 4. 3. A koala in Tower Hill. Source: http://www. Irresponsibleness. Com/holidays/Victoria/travel-guide/great-ocean- road-wildlife-and-aboriginal-culture Lake Bullet Merrier is another exa mple of a marry volcano located 4 km west of Cameroon. The crater has turned into a large lake about 2 km in diameter. (Figure 4. This volcano did not show significant elevation, however the northeast side of the crater is relatively higher than the rest of the crater rim as a result of prevailing wind. The lake used to be and is still used for fishing, and now it has also developed into a place for water activities such as water skiing. Other Volcanic Features Stony rises Stony rises are uneven surfaces on the ground. They are usually formed when old lava flow cracks on the top, causing the skin on the surface to sag and collapse. They are usually made of basalt and some scoria rocks. Those stones are used by European settlers for building fences and houses. There are not much management done for these stony rises, as they usually don’t attract tourists, apart from year 1 1 geography students and other researchers. They are Just cleared out of farms for ease in farming. Stony rises are widely distributed in the western region of Victoria. Figure 5. 0 is stony rises around the town of Pinehurst, created by lava flow from Met. Rouse. Figure 5. 0. Story rises near Pinehurst. Photo by David Www Tumulus The word tumulus (Plural form: tumuli) means â€Å"Small hill† in Latin, and they are commonly known as lava blisters. They are a dome shaped half-spheres on the ground. Sometimes their roof will collapse. (Figure 5. 1) It’s formed when gases in lava flow gather in a small area near the surface of the ground and they might also explode. We can think of them as â€Å"pimples in the ground†. They can be found in the region 40 km southwest of Hamilton. Figure 5. 1 . A tumulus located west of Met. Napier. Source: Textbook. Lava Tubes and Caves Lava caves and tubes are formed when a lava flow solidifies on the top but the lava below continues to flow. When the lava stops flowing under the solidified top, it empties out the space below the ground and creates the caves and tubes. Baud cave is a bunch of caves and tubes located in the region 20 km south of Hamilton. This landscape has developed into a park and became a part of Met Napier State Park and is managed by the state government. There are handrails built prevent tourist from falling into the caves, and walking tracks to guide tourists to the various caves. Some of the basalt rocks have been taken out of the caves to build infrastructures such as fences by indigenous people and early settlers, but now as it has developed onto a tourist attraction, those activities have stopped. How to cite Volcanic Environment of Western Victoria, Papers